Day 227: Ground Control to Major Tom

Stealthing [mile 1982.4; SOBO 964]

Worst stealth job ever—at least since the last worst stealth job. Boy Scouts just walked past and said, “Somebody’s camping right there!” If a citizen decides to report me, I’m at the mercy of the court.

It’s a dilemma. Camping’s been permitted so far, and I was aiming for a site I knew about—but when I got there, there were NO CAMPING signs all over the place because it’s hunting season. I couldn’t make it as far as the next shelter. Bad options all around: stealth and go deeper into the gamelands (where people are shooting), or follow the regular camping rules and hope nobody decides to ticket me. I decided that ticketed was better than shot. And there’s no hunting on Sundays, I don’t think, so the shooting risk drops soon.

I don’t like this part of hiking in Pennsylvania.

This was a strange, strange day. My real practice on the AT has been from Dan’s Pulpit to the Pinnacle, with a few trips on either side to as far as Port Clinton. Today I did the chunk I know. Connect the dots!

The last time I was here it was hot, summer, and flooded. In fact, I’ve never hiked here this late in the year. Without the leaves on the trees the forest is much less dense. All the creeks were dry today except two, and I fell into one of them. Thank GOD, because my shoes were almost dry! Can’t let that happen! 😉

At around noon I passed the side trail near the Eckville shelter, th one that leads to the Game Commission parking lot. That’s where I park when I come up here. Four-tenths of a mile to my car, then an hour and a quarter to my couch.

But no! My car wasn’t down there. And from that moment on, every step takes me farther away.

As of tomorrow, I think I’ll be under 200 miles to go.

Right at the point I was closest to my house I looked down and saw a snakeskin. How weird and serendipitous is that?

Tomorrow: Town. Or potentially jail.











Categories: Appalachian Trail | Tags: | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Day 227: Ground Control to Major Tom

  1. Jill

    Karma….still lovin’ every step you are taking! I really admire what you are doing. I always thought of myself as brave, but I am no where close to you!! Pictures, as always, awesome. I was always told lady bugs were good luck. From the look of that amount SOMETHING wonderful is about to happen.
    Kokopelli (I laughed hard at your comment of what the boy-scout said)….:)

  2. Now that the leaves are down, you get those glorious views… Far better than doing in in the middle of summer. 🙂

  3. Good job of willing yourself through knifesedge! Not much farther to go! Hope you’re relaxing in town by now! 🙂

  4. Slo & Because

    Golly… Always appreciate your dedication to keep us informed. Your journalism is so appreciated… But you bring along such valuable information. Remember, when you feel alone, there are so many out there who are thinking of you and wish you well. Sending you a big hug (if that is possibly for you to imagine).

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