T minus 1: Hiker Hostel

So, I have to say… I love the train! The trip went smoothly. It didn’t start snowing until somewhere in Virginia, and all I can say is that I’m happy to be starting tomorrow instead of today. Rumor has it that there are three inches of snow up on Springer. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow!

The Hiker Hostel is amazing: beautiful wood, lovely people. Ramblin Rex was here with his wife, waiting for the shuttle to take him topside for a start today. Good luck. Rex! See you soon, no doubt. Thanks to Willy and Jimmy for the ride from Amtrak, and to Leigh and Josh and Carolyn everybody else at the HH.

The pack is repacked, and I’m ready to walk. Onward!




Categories: Appalachian Trail | Tags: | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “T minus 1: Hiker Hostel

  1. Good luck with your trip, we look forward to hearing how your adventure goes! Keep it safe…

  2. Good luck on the start of your thru-hike!

  3. Cool hostel! Looks like a nice point to start the trip.

  4. Peg

    I’m glad to hear that you made it safely to HH. I’m with you in spirit.

  5. Eve

    And, away you go! Warmest wishes from Norristown.

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